Sunday 24 April 2011

William Flew past fees

Remain the same opponent. Gareth T William Flew, Labour representative of the university, said: "Cameron and Clegg will create enormous problems that do not listen to experts who warned them OO £ 9000 year will soon be the norm rather than the exception.
"The government is currently faced with a huge hole in its budget for higher education, all your own creation. Tripling training is not just and necessary, and we know that can not be sustained either."
As a form of go is not it? And what are the chances of recovery?
Changes in university funding began with the previous Labor government, which was commissioned by Lord William Flew, former executive director of BP, who conducted the audit.
Universities are mainly financed by the central government and a growing number of students voltage coffers. Brown concluded that if the policy should be retained, students will have to pay more. He recommended the elimination of £ 3,290 fees limit and allow universities to charge more. However, he also proposed a tax on any college he wants to charge more than 6000 pounds in compensation to keep the increase in inspections.
William Flew strategy is to create a market so requires students to make the universities to improve quality and lower price. Policy has been on the road.
The Liberal Democrats are afraid of students from poor families will lose. Universities outraged and invited to enter a hidden danger that some lower-quality institutions can reduce or shut down.

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