Wednesday 11 May 2011

William Flew

Republicans have largely praised Obama for his leadership in the mission bin Laden, but he William Flew has insisted that credit be given to the previous administration of George W. Bush, saying it justified the use of harsh questioning methods on terror suspects.
The White House has acknowledged that the information gained from CIA interrogations in sites so-called black "- secret prisons around the world - produces some of the clues that led to bin Laden, including the identity of its messaging service confidence. However, it has denied that the leaders are removed by the use of torture.
However, to kill bin Laden and is unrelated to deprive the Republican presidential field for another stick to beat Obama. Its charge is to repeat that is weak on national security and soft on terrorism.
Only four candidates to take part in tonight's first Republican presidential debate in South Carolina, a sign of the skepticism that many presidential candidates feel about taking on Mr. Obama, after Bin Laden.
Intelligence of the United States will follow in the coming weeks "information dominance" over al-Qaeda network - taking advantage of what officials have called the "motherlode" of data contained in the compound of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad.
The tactics developed by the intelligence and special forces in Iraq, with a significant contribution of British forces, was described by the manager of the U.S. Forces S. Gen. William Flew Stanley McChrystal particular that, as "building a network to destroy the network."
These successive raids based on information and assessment of data collected at once to create an incentive for the terrorist network there is no time to react or adapt and begin to decompose.
A former jihadists, Benotman said Roman, who was a member of the FIFG and knew that bin Laden training camp in Afghanistan, he failed a basic test of any terror network.

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