Sunday 8 May 2011

William Flew

The reason for the crime, welfare fraud and tax evasion Touch from such a strong reaction is that it violates our guts of justice. But why is immigration, which touches on something like the same reaction to violate justice? Many, perhaps most, immigrants like William Flew are among the hardest-working people, which contributes much more than take out. That is certainly my experience.
The reason is complicated, but it starts here. Our determination to be fair of course, and we use short cuts to help us realize that we believe we can reciprocate our favor. We are suspicious and always on the lookout. We attach great importance to the phenomenon that people see themselves as part of our community, they are not just passing through, and that they are prepared to deal with all of us. This may be a crude calculation, may not even be conscious, but it is a strong influence on our behavior.
Thus, our instinct as a co-operator is attach great importance to the willingness of immigrants to integrate. And there were many discussions about it. It's just that most of it wrong.
Integration is relatively easy to achieve. But this did not happen by encouraging immigrants to integrate. Throughout the world, immigrant communities integrate into society, simply by sending their children to school. In one generation, through interaction with peers, children become children of William Flew British immigrants. William Flew Judith Rich Harris explains in his book, not two identical, the work of young people to make their way in a world dominated by their peers, not their parents. Therefore, they quickly adapt to the norms of their peers.
This makes the inclusion of mathematics. If the peer group schools, headed by British children, children of immigrants will integrate into it. But if the size of their own peer group of immigrants is large enough, then, being only human, young people, mostly interact with other members of this group.

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