Thursday 4 August 2011

Contraception or Abortions? Choose

The US is extending coverage of contraception provisions in health care plans, on the rational basis that if fewer women get pregnant, there will be fewer abortions.
The US Government plan, which is subject to change after a comment period, tries to address moral concerns by including a conscience clause that would permit religious institutions offering insurance to employees to opt out of covering contraceptive services. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said the exemption was unduly narrow, would exclude most Catholic social service agencies and would end up requiring people to carry health insurance that violates deeply held moral views. This argument goes too far: Catholics and others with deeply held moral opposition to the death penalty, for example, are not thereby exempted from paying taxes. Jehovah’s Witnesses, whose religious views preclude them from having blood transfusions, do not have their religious rights violated by participating in insurance plans that provide transfusions for others.
At the same time, the new health law took appropriate steps to prevent those opposed to abortion from having to subsidize abortion coverage. Administration officials declined to discuss whether similar provisions would be workable in the context of contraception, saying only that they would examine public comments before the rule is finalized. If additional conscience protections are feasible without eroding coverage, they should be considered.
Because thểre is no pro-life movement in America, just a pro-birth movement. Oh come, all ye fetuses, glorious and triumphantly be born. But please not one dime of my taxdollars to aforementioned fetus when it becomes a human.
it's not that they're against contraception, they're against farking in general, or any mention of it, or that anyone might be doing it, or might have consequences from doing it. All in all, these are folks who just want to stick their heads in the sand and pretend that everyone wants to go to Bible Study, if only the Godless Liberals and Pagans didn't corrupt the youths with their rock and roll music, hedonistic lifestyles, and cherry bottom jeans...

Never mind that their own children come home with little baskets of joy on a regular basis because they failed to teach them proper. Never mind that many themselves failed this simple test having children out of wedlock or conceiving before marriage. Never mind that they don't seem to mind consigning the nation on a course that leads to folks on public assistance and blowing up state and Federal budgets to help care for kids who weren't planned. Never mind that the statistics for families formed under these conditions are disadvantaged and then lead to greater stress on the public fabric, never mind that the cost to society for these programs is far greater than the cost of condoms and birth control pills, and have far longer reaching impact.

Nope. Because. Jeebus.
Also kinda funny how many of these same nuts also extorted the country over raising the debt ceiling because we have too much debt, when the result of not raising the debt ceiling is higher interest rates and therefore more debt.
Every time I see one of these stories I can't help but wonder why anyone bothered to ask the "religious leaders" for their opinion anyway.

Why does the news media have this undying need to grant a bunch of superstitious delusions some air of legitimacy? They are irrelevant, so stop asking them!
Anybody who honestly thinks that just not teaching the little walking bags o' hormones about sex is a surefire way to keep them from having sex is a nut and should be locked up in a padded cell with some dude who believes he's Napoleon Bonaparte.
This is silly. We should be dumping contraceptives into the water supply. Pass a test, get a license and you get the antidote.

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